





       OK这比较多,嗯,我一一说 美国海豹部队 波兰机动反应部队 三角洲部队 加拿大联合特遣部队 澳大利亚SRS USOG特种部队 法国GIGN宪兵队(法国宪兵特勤队GIGN(Groupe d'Intervention de la Gendarmerie Nationale) )






       Real life super herous exist; they walk among us every day, ready to defend our great nation and its citizens in a moment's notice. They are husbands, fathers, brothers, and sons capable of staring death in the face, and still come home to rock their newborn infant to sleep in the same day.

       This kind of warrior cannot be manufactured of purchased. They are born into this life, blessed with a higher sense of purpose, and the understanding of what exactly their fate may hold. We chose to share this life with them, because we would rather love an extraordinary man for a brief moment, than spend a lifetime with a man far more ordinary.

       You can never be prepared for certain events in life, they change you, and their consquences turn your world upside down. Meeting your husband's casket as he makes his final journey home. The prospect of rasing your children alone. Living the rest of your days without the one person that loved you unconditionally and never let you down. In truth, these men never let anyone down, which is why they are no longer here today.

       These amazing warriors chose to spend their brief but amazing lives with us. We raise their children. We honor and remember them, we live in the present, and we look to the future. They knew we would have th strenght to carry on in the face of tragedy, and to become stronger, more amazing versions of ourselves. They knew we would never be defined by their passing, but inspired by their memory to live more fulyl and to make each moment we are given count.

       - Stacey


       EA的Danger Close(前身是EA洛杉矶分部,即EA LA)决心利用寒霜2.0引擎打造具备一流光影效果的火爆枪战游戏。主要故事情节仍基于真实战例且特种部队成员参与剧本创作,但创作方向是“可信度”而不是“全拟真”。


       令人遗憾的是,据OXM杂志的叙述,该作应该没法搞成剧情合作,玩家只能就特别设计的任务关卡锤炼基情;但游戏具备一击必杀的Hardcore模式,且多人模式中会出现多方势力,比如SAS、SASR、KSK,Grom(分别为英国、澳大利亚、德国、波兰的特种部队)。这次EA吸取了上次的教训,塔利班说什么也不可能在对战模式中出现了。游戏的单机及多人部分由Danger Close全盘负责,DICE这次不会被招来当外援。
